Re: VMWare Workstation - clone an image but not the OS license?
Hi change the product id & check in regostryHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Current Version Yours,Satya
View ArticleRe: Upgrade to VMware VMvisor Installer 5
Hi please check below link Yours,Satya
View ArticleRe: bora/vmkernel/main/dlmalloc.c:4751
Hi, Can you please run the lspci command on the esx shell and post the output as the previous output is not complete.Please can you also mention which hardware are you using ? Thanks
View ArticleRe: VMware to Vista - screen lock
Did Windows Vista come preinstalled on the PC you're trying to migrate? If yes then you may not transfer it to another system, physical or virtual, as it is not allowed by its EULA and lives and dies...
View ArticleRe: IE not browsing certain websites getting error msg ?
Hi please check with latest mozilla or safari browser, Yours,Satya
View ArticleRe: Determine host profile compliance using PowerCLI
Use the Test-VMHostProfileCompliance cmdlet for that.
View ArticleRe: Mutiple cache creations in Gemfire
Your client region named "region" is a local cache. "CACHING_PROXY" makes it so, so everything you store in that region will be cached locally and sent to the server as well. A client-cache provides...
View ArticleRe: vmmark2.5 Error log "help"
Before you try to scale up to 13 tiles, let's make sure we can get tile 2 working correctly first. It's true that you can try replacing tile 2 DS2DB and DS2Web VMs by cloning from a different tile, and...
View ArticleRe: could not connect to management server
Trying to connect via Serengeti CLI via port 8080 I found the following error message in /opt/serengeti/logs/serengeti.log 2013 Aug 06 17:18:21,545+0000 INFO main|...
View ArticleHow to script changing IP and hostname on 600 Windows 2008 R2 (64bit) VM's
I have 600 VM's that I am currently cloning. Once the clone process is completed I need to assign each server a unique IP and Hostname. What is the best way to do this? Server names are like,...
View ArticleRe: How to List networking information for an ESXi host using virtual...
Try something like this $esxName="MyEsx"$esx=Get-VMHost-Name$esxNameforeach($dvSwinGet-VDSwitch-VMHost$esx){ $pg=Get-VDPortgroup-VDSwitch$dvSw|%{$_.Name} Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter-VMHost$esx-VMKernel|...
View ArticleRe: Driver Updates?
mfelker wrote: I purchased Unblue's driver Might you actually mean Uniblue DriverScanner? Results. No loss in functionally but no appreciable gain either. Whether or not Unblue actually downloaded...
View ArticleRe: How to script changing IP and hostname on 600 Windows 2008 R2 (64bit) VM's
I would try the Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface cmdlet for the network part.Something like this 1..600|%{ Get-VM-Name"Server$_"|Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface|...
View ArticleRe: Mutiple cache creations in Gemfire
Yes, however we are storing two different things, so a caching proxy wont be any good, i need a local region to store a object which is different from the client-region.
View ArticleMost efficient Anti-Affinity Rule
I'm wondering if anyone has an opinion on what the 'best' anti-affinity rule would be, between VM-to-Host & Keep-VMs-Separate. Here is my situation: 6 ESX servers in 1 cluster~100 VMsHA, DRS, &...
View ArticleRe: Poor performance compared to desktop with VMware View 5.2
Hi theowood, have you updated the BIOS/Firmware of the Hardware you are using?have you set the energy Option of the Hardware to "static high Performance"? what storage you are using to run the...
View ArticleRe: VMware to Vista - screen lock
I upgraded to Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit and I have the disk. I was having problems booting my old system and ordered the iMac to replace it. After downloading the VMware Fusion 5, I found the...
View ArticleRe: Mailserver Abort: Loadgen Process Terminated Unexpectedly
have you tried rebooting the client and mailserver since you started seeing that message?
View ArticleRe: VMware to Vista - screen lock
Since you have the Windows Vista DVD I'd suggest you just clean build a Virtual Machine using it, as it will be less problematic in the long run.
View ArticleRe: QueryChangedDiskAreas returns a FileFault error while trying through "mob"
Hi Manickam,Note:The datastore which is having the problematic VM is a NFS datastore.Outch, that seems to be it. KB Article Changed Block Tracking (CBT) on virtual machines states: For CBT to identify...
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