Re: snapshot script help
I have take a bit more of a look at this, so ignore my previous post. The best way to acheive what you need is to remove the line: $Daysold = Get-VM $GuestName | Get-Snapshot | Select @{N="DaysOld";...
View Articlemigrate vm from intel cluster to amd cluster
Hello,I have an issue in my VM, windows server 2003 ent. 32bit (Citrix PS 4.5 applications) was hosted in vSpherere 5.1 ESXi cluster with Intel CPUs.the VM P2Ved from an Intel CPU server.The VM is with...
View ArticleVMware view get users
Hi I have to make a script for our VMware view environment that gets the amount of users that have logged in last week.but I'm stuck. i got so far with my script. $pss = New-PSSession "view-broker"...
View ArticleRe: Set-VMRecourceConfiguration -MemLimitMB to The currently configured memory.
Thanks RvdNieuwendijk, That is so much cleaner than what I was trying to do.
View ArticleNetwork Failover not working
We have a number of hosts on vmware 5.1On vswitch0 there are two physical NICs connected to the same vlan, there is also a VMotion network and management network. configured on this switch.However, if...
View Articlelicencia free perpetua
Buenos Dias:Estoy iniciándome en el mundo de vmware.He instalado la versión free de Esxi 5.1 pero me dice que tengo 60 Dias y me da una licencia para registrar el producto.después de esos 60 es...
View ArticleRe: VMware Player- USB
As a workaround, try using a USB 2.0 Hub between the Notebook and the USB Device.
View ArticleView Desktops (VDI) vs. Terminal Server
Dear Community, I'm just in progress to learn the basics about the View environment.At this point i'm trying to understand some conceptional questions regarding the use of the View clients.Until today...
View Articlehow to access vcloud from internet?
Hi, I built up a very small vCloud environment and it seems to be working fine as per the requirement.I am using PG backed network and I can access web portal internally fine.How do I have to publish...
View ArticleRe: ESXi inside KVM
Hello and welcome to the communities. Note: Discussion successfully moved from VMware ESXi 5 to Nested Virtualization
View ArticleRe: Can´t use SAN transfer mode after update to 5.1.0 u1
Note: Discussion successfully moved from VMware vCenter™ to Backup & Recovery
View ArticleFixed: Web Client Service will not start
For the event error: "The VMware vSphere Web Client service terminated with service-specific error Incorrect function" This is how I resolved: I figured it out thx to this guy: vSphere 5.1 Web Client:...
View ArticleQuick script to enable/disable copy/paste via vm console
This is a quick script that will prompt for the vcenter name then the vmname and give you the option to enable or disable the copy/pasta function via the vm console. You need to restart the VM for the...
View ArticleRe: licencia free perpetua
VMware vSphere Hypervisor is free. VMware KB: Downloading and licensing ESXi 5.0
View ArticleVsphere 5 HA - restart vm
Ciao a tutti,ho una domanda da porvi.Ho notato che su una infrastruttura in fibra ottica a 2 nodi con una SAN, quando un nodo veniva spento, il sistema non spostava a caldo la virtual machine sul nodo,...
View ArticleRe: licencia free perpetua
Gracias por tu respuesta.Pero entonces porque me dice que tengo 60 días de prueba??
View ArticleView 5.2 with HW 3D - slow video performance
Hi, I have question for everyone. Did you anybody successfully try hw 3d acceleration playing the HD video (local or from youtube)? I have one HP DL380p Gen8 server (128 GB, 2x 8core, local HDDs) with...
View ArticleRe: Vsphere 5 HA - restart vm
ciao, solo la vMotion sposta le vm a caldo. l'HA le riavvia (e non potrebbe fare diversamente). Se ti serve qualcosa che non faccia mai andare giù la VM in caso di fault dell'host devi usare la Fault...
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