Hi all,
I'm new to VMWare and trying to learn so please bear with me.
I am running ESX 5 on a HP Microserver N36L from USB.
Before installing ESX I was using the microserver as a Windows 2008 R2 server. I used DISK2VHD to convert my physical machines C: drive to a VHD and then used the VCenter Converter client to convert the VHD to a VMWare virtual machine.
I have booted the virtual machine from ESX and everything is working OK. However, I now want to reattach the D: drive of the physical machine onto the virtual machine. How do I do this? I have tried running DISK2VHD but as the drive is 2TB D2V fails as the drive is too big.
The HDD containing the NTFS D: volume is still inside the microserver, can I simply access it through the VM without doing any conversions?
The HDD with the D: volume is not part of my datastore, if I try to add it vSphere tells me I will lose all data. I do have backup but i'm hoping there's an easy solution to this?
Many thanks