Hi Alvin,
1. The disk size of Standby must stay the same as described in the benchmarking guide. Whether you can create a larger disk size for the client depends on whether you intend to publish these VMmark results. If you intend to publish, you must follow the configuration outlined in the VMmark Benchmarking Guide, including the disk size. If you do not intend to publish them (such as for internal use only), then it is fine to increase the size of the client disk size. If all Windows updates do not fit in the disk space size, this is okay, just update as much as you can. Both Client and Standby should typically be on a private network anyway.
2. You are right, there are no options for you to check there. This wording may need to be fixed in the Benchmarking guide. Please select "thick provisioned eager zeroed". This is consistent with all the other VMs in VMmark.
No, there are no images accompanying the installation of VMmark. Instead, we are very specific in our installation instructions. As you go through the VMmark installation, please follow each instruction completely and exactly.