Hello community,
we have a problem with our templates using windows server as OS and Paravirtual as boot controller.
The problem is if we deploy out template and add later in running state a HDD on a second controller (lets say on SCSI (1:0)) then the server wont reboot anymore.
This is because of the HDD bootorder in BIOS of the VM (VMware KB: Virtual machine cannot boot when controller type for the operating system and data drive is Paravirtualiz…)
So in the VMware KB there is a little well working fix for this problem:
Add this line to the .vmx file: bios.hddOrder = "scsi0:0"
But this just works if you edit the .vmx file of a VM and not if you want to integrate this in a template.
If I convert the VM to a template than this line bios.hddOrder = "scsi0:0" disappears in the .vmtx file.
Also if I write it manually in the .vmtx file after deploy from this template the line is not in the deployed .vmx file from the VM.
Is there any chance to get this working with a template, cause its very annoying changing every .vmx file for new VM's!
Thanks a lot!