I am running Ubuntu 13.04 (64-bit). I am trying to install the VMWare Horizon View client so I can connect to my work VDI. At work, I also have Ubuntu 13.04 but it is 32-bit. I have the View client running just fine there.
When I went to the download page for VMWare Horizon View for Linux 64-bit (Download VMware Horizon View Clients for View), the Download button has this link: apt://vmware-view-client:i386.
Clicking that launches the Ubuntu Software Center which comes up with an error "There isn’t a software package called “vmware-view-client:i386” in your current software sources."
I ran a sudo apt-get updates and sudo apt-get ugprade. Neither of those commands helped.
In the Ubuntu Software Center, I clicked Edit --> Software Sources and selected "Canonical Partners". That didn't help.
Is there a .rpm or .deb package that I can download without having to go through the Ubuntu Software Center which apparently doesn't want to show me the View client download?