Hi All,
I am totally new to power cli. I am writing a script get the vm inventory details automation.please find the attachment of my script , i am getting error in harddisk.
PowerCLI C:\Users\KVaishali.admin-PC\Desktop> .\Get-VMInfo.ps1
Get-View : 6/26/2013 9:23:20 AM Get-View Invalid property: HardDisks
At C:\Users\KVaishali.admin-PC\Desktop\Get-VMInfo.ps1:13 char:15
+ Get-View <<<< -Server $vCenterServer -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter @{"Config.Template"=
"False"} -Property Name,
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-View], InvalidArgument
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Client20_MoServiceImpl_GetNetInteropView_InvalidProperty,VMware.VimA
I am trying to get the harddisk details. if the vm have 2 harddisk want to display both the disk sizes separately with the available free space.
Kindly guide me to solve this thread.
With Regards
Anish kumar.V