I am stealing this question from an older post since they did such a succinct job in stating their question. Basically I cannot figure out how to format the filter expression for querying the metadata field. I have plans to make some heavy use of the metadata but not being able to use the query service against it will be a major bummer. I don't want to be forced to use a rest call I would much prefer staying in the vCO if at all possible.
Add a Metadata Filter to a VCO Query - how to use vco vcfilter ?? If there is a way I need the syntax to be able to use the below call.
I have to make a search based on key and value.
vcd rest call:
what will be the expression for metadata??
var expressionOrg1 = new VclExpression(VclQueryOrgField.DISPLAYNAME, "*", VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
var expressionOrgMeta = ?? (need for metadata)
var expression = new Array(expressionOrg1, expressionOrgMeta);
var filter = new VclFilter(expression,VclFilterType.AND);
var params = new VclQueryParams();
var orgRef = new VclReference();
params.addMetadataField("first", VclMetadataDomain.SYSTEM);